Tuesday, August 5, 2008

The speech Obama needs to give

"Senator McCain can't tell you the truth about his energy plan -- so he tells lies about mine.

He can't tell you the truth about his health care plan -- so he tells lies about mine.

He can't tell you the truth about his Iraq strategy -- so he tells lies about mine.

He can't tell you the truth about his education program -- so he tells lies about mine.

This is not the John McCain I know.

This is not the John McCain we respected in 2000.

This is the John McCain whose new friends and advisors all were graduated from the Karl Rove School of Dirty Politics.

Well, I'd like to give Senator McCain some advice my grandmother gave to me. She said 'It's easier for low friends to pull you down than it is for you to pull them up. '

I'd hate to see that happen to him.

And that's all I'm gonna say about that."

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